The eroded valley of the Jeker in Kanne provides an enchanting backdrop. Slopes full of quarries and caves, from which marl blocks were extracted for the houses in the village.  Not only nature has been creative here, man too has contributed to this unique landscape.  

From Kanne, you can hike right to the border with the Netherlands. You explore Mount St Peter and the Plateau of Caestert. A Roman encampment once stood here, before Ambiorix and his men razed it to the ground. At the top of Mount St Peter, you not only get a great view of Kanne, but also an equally spectacular view of the ENCI quarry. This deep-cut quarry has the allure of the Grand Canyon on the scale of the Low Countries.  

Before ascending the Cannerberg, we cross the Jeker valley again. Here, the Jeker enchantingly meanders its way through meadows and fields, before ending up in the river Maas near Maastricht. In Kanne, the Jeker dives under the Albert Canal flowing through a siphon. 

On Cannerberg, a castle forest of oak, birch and beech trees was created in the 18th century. The mature forest is now home to an abundance of flowers such as wood anemones, Solomon's seal and the common twayblade, providing a colourful spectacle in spring.  

Under the forest, in Cannerberg, hides an old Cold War NATO headquarters and even a bunker where Rembrandt's Night Watch and many other masterpieces were kept during World War II. 

Right on the border between the Netherlands and Belgium, you walk past Chateau Neercanne, a 17th century baroque castle built from the characteristic marl blocks.

  • Orange hiking route
  • 7.9 km
  • Intermediate
  • Parking onder de brug

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