New! ‘Cycling between Terrils’ Cycle across a floating bridge in the mining-shaped landscape of Terhills. Be amazed by a stunning 360° experience with views of the sparkling water and the green mining heaps. Experience it yourself Experience it yourself
What to do Cycling in Belgian Limburg Limburg is the cycling paradise of Belgium. Cycle easily from junction to junction.
What to do Hiking Walking for hours in the Limburg nature. Forest, heath or along the water, you decide!
What to do Culture and heritage Limburg is a treasure trove. You will find memories of the past everywhere.
What to do Food and drinks There is no hunger or thirst in Limburg. Choose from all the delicious addresses.
What to do With the whole family Limburg is one big playground for children. From tiny young to adolescent, everyone is welcome!
What to do City, shopping and wellness Go on city trip! Recharge your batteries during a weekend in Limburg.
What to do Adventure and nature For the bon vivant who likes to stay in the green or the adventurer who wants action.