Anna Godzina: Earthscapes

Acoustically aware, Anna Godzina (°1990, Moldova) traverses landscapes and cities. Godzina’s method of research is one of the wanderer. Whilst hiking along a rural river valley in Moldova or mapping the surface of a Zen garden in Japan, she locates her materials and inspiration for her sculptures.

Certain qualities of these found objects are activated or “charged” through simple devices such as motors or magnets. Godzina’s sculptures may spin or tick, curve and curl, whip, ring, or perhaps simply drop.

For her first solo exhibition at Z33, Anna Godzina is developing a new body of work that attempts to create a unique representation of landscape through visual and sonic means.

Curator: Kevin Gallagher

This exhibition is in collaboration with Werktank (Leuven, BE).


  • Basistarief: € 12.00